my life is more than mediocre-

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My life is more than mediocre.

Is yours?

Everything in this world tells us we should be chasing our dreams. The world even tells us what our dreams should be. Popularity and fame (in the form of likes, comments, views and other social statistics), a bigger house, property, vacations, authorship, – basically our dreams are made to be “dream-worthy” by how tangibly we can measure the success of that dream.

Often times at the expense of our sanity, friendships, children, husbands, or even our faith. We become so dissatisfied looking at the lives and accomplishments of others and we are left feeling our lives are insignificant or mediocre at best, to those around us.

And so, I am intrigued, convicted, encouraged and FREED by the Rend Collective lyric (from Burn Like a Star):

“We were born to chase YOUR dreams.”

Fancy that – so it’s not all about us after all!

I’m not saying having a dream of what you want life to be is “bad.” But unless our dreams were first God’s dreams, in which He uses us to help accomplish His grand story, then those dreams and accomplishments are meaningless. No matter what our social following, paycheck or vacation plans may look like.

Today I’m basking in the truth that my life has been made more than mediocre by my God who chose me as His daughter and blessed me with a life which allows me to live within His story daily.

A life that forces me to call out to Him for character traits I can never display on my own.

A life that leads me to daily (okay hourly!) repentance of my impatience and misplace anger with the amazingly different children of mine – who He created that way for a purpose I can’t yet see.

A life that asks me to daily sacrifice my own will and desires and look for HIS instead. That’s when I most fully realize joy, fullness and purpose.

I am thankful for uplifting songs like that one – that had me running to the bathroom to have a good cry this morning. Because once again, I realized I’d been clinging to my own dreams and desires concocted by my feelings of jealousy and my need to BE someone.

But I AM someone.

I am a wife, a mama, a teacher, a friend, an artist and a chosen daughter of God.

Who are you?


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