I’m Becca. I’m Jesus’ girl, Jon’s wife, and homeschooling Mama to six ages 17, 15, 11, twin 10 year olds, and a 7 year old.
My love beyond those three things (8 things?)…is crochet. I’ll do it all day, every day – until my joints won’t let me. For me, being creative and creating is the greatest gift God’s given to me after His salvation and the blessing of my loud, big, crazy family. So, I spend all my free time crocheting and designing crochet – because it makes me feel excited, alive and it brings me joy!

It is in something as “silly,” as crochet that I see God’s goodness reflected: to allow me creative fulfillment and joy through my craft.
I used to think there was no way God could be glorified through something as silly as me playing with yarn. But I am finding I was created not only to love God and foster the faith of my children – I was created to crochet. It’s how I’m learning to connect with people who I might not have taken the time to connect with otherwise. It’s how God is teaching me to love others well, despite our differences.
It’s my hope and prayer that He works in me to do just that with every interaction I have in the wonderful world of fiber arts.